This collection is comprised of materials collected and organized by Alma Berk during her tenure as Chief Public Affairs Officer (1959-1994). As the founder of Berklee's Office of Public Information, Mrs. Berk's files remain the most comprehensive source of known documentation of the college's early years and encompass a broad range of information, including press clippings & releases, institutional reports, files on faculty and students, promotional materials, college publications, and more. Though Alma Berk retired in 1994, this collection contains documentation on Berklee through the mid-2000s.
Eduardo Paniagua CD Collection 101 18
Access to the Office of Public Information records is restricted and requires advance approval by the Berklee Archives' Associate Director. Upon approval, this non-circulating collection is open for research use by appointment on site at the Berklee Archives (Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with evening hours available upon request). Advance notice is required to retrieve archival items because these materials are stored offsite. Use of audiovisual materials may require the production of listening or viewing copies. To schedule an appointment or request further information, please email or call 617-747-8001.
The Berklee Office of Public Information collection by Alma Berk contains a large part of Berklee's history through the early 2000s. For Berklee-related press clippings and articles, see BCA-045, Berklee College of Music Media Relations records, 1969-2017.
The Berklee Office of Public Information collection by Alma Berk a large part of Berklee history through the early 2000s. For Berklee-related press clippings and articles, see BCA-045, Berklee College of Music Media Relations records, 1969-2017.